Teen Zone!!

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Brains for lunch : a zombie novel in haiku?!

by K.A.Holt
How many stories feature a middle school with a student body composed of zombies, monsters, and regular kids, and how often are such stories told through a series of nearly 100 haiku poems? Loeb, a zombie, is the main character, and he manages to win a poetry competition, develop a crush on the school librarian, and wind up with a regular-kid girlfriend, all despite his taste for human brains. Teachers preparing to introduce their classes to haiku are bound to welcome this outrageous effort. A funny, irreverent, and unconventional verse offering that's sure to find wide curricular appeal.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Earth (the book) : a visitor's guide to the human race

by Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart and the writers of The Daily Show embark on a massive mission to write a book that summed up the human race: What we looked like; what we accomplished; our achievements in society, government, religion, science and culture. Here is the definitive guide to our species--completely unburdened by objectivity, journalistic integrity, or even accuracy.

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Beautiful brows : the ultimate guide to styling, shaping, and maintaining your eyebrows

by Nancy Parker
Discover the best brow shape for your face. Learn what to do with too much or too little hair. Determine the pros and cons of waxing vs. tweezing. Maintain your new look. Filled with illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions,Beautiful Browswill show you the secrets for getting the look you want, whether it's sexy, elegant, polished, professional, or just plain beautiful.
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