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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leven Thumps and the wrath of Ezra

by Obert SkyeThe dreams of mankind are in grave danger. The Dearth, the true evil beneath the soil, rises above ground and gains the strength he needs to defeat Leven Thumps. Lev, now the Want, is also gaining strength and must discover his new power before the Dearth finds him.

Meanwhile, Sycophant Run is on the brink of war, and the secret of the sycophants' vulnerability is more of a threat than ever -- can Clover and the sycophants protect the only gateway to Reality? And speaking of Reality, Terry and Addy are about to join forces with a onetime janitor and the angriest, most confused toothpick alive: Ezra. What kind of power is raging inside that sliver of wood?

In this fourth volume in the Leven Thumps series, Leven continues his quest to save the imaginations and dreams of all mankind

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